Tuesday 30 April 2013


Sorry I haven't written in so long! This time I have no excuse - just pure laziness.

I've been having a fantastic time here. I am enjoying school and can feel my French improving :) I had a very exciting day a few weeks ago when there was a fire at school and we all got evacuated and then were allowed to leave school early! It was perfectly timed in the middle of an extremely boring History lesson.

Geneva is looking so beautiful at the moment! All the pretty Spring flowers are out. We took a trip on the boat across the lake to Yvoire, France, last week. It was so nice to just walk around the beautiful old town, eat yummy Filet de perches and ice cream and look at the beautiful flowers planted all around! We took lots of photos in the sun :D

After having a few days of beautiful weather, it has gone back to being all cold and rainy again. The weather just can't make up it's mind - is it spring or winter?! I am hoping it will warm up a little before I leave but I don't think that there's much hope in that.

I have also managed to get lots of shopping in, including a good trip to Ikea (which is always pretty exciting stuff). I was rather sad though that all I could buy were 2 packets of serviettes due to my seriously limited space issues!

It's also been great meeting up with our old friends from when we lived here. I have also driven past our old house which was very weird!

On Sunday night I went to see a show called 'Rock the Ballet'. It was basically an entire ballet done to rock and pop music. It was the most amazing show EVER! The dancers were all so good it was unbelievable.

I can't believe how fast this has gone. I am already leaving here this weekend! I can't wait to get back to my family and friends but I really don't want to leave this beautiful place! It's also sad because just as I can feel my French really improving, I have to leave. Oh well - I think I'll just have to come back!

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to have you back!!!! It has been VERY quiet without you. But it sounds like you've had such an amazing time. Glad the French is improving :) It's going to be rather a big bump back to reality for you!!? Mxxx
