Friday 12 April 2013


Hey y'all!

So this time I actually have a reason for not writing on this blog for so long. I've been sick. I know right - ugh! Anyhoo, I think I'm on the mend :) (crossing fingers!)

I had a lovely relaxing week holidaying in Geneva last week. It included many hours of One Tree Hill watching, some trips to the stables, shopping, and my highlight - a short but fantastic ski trip! We drove up to a cool place called Nendaz (where I learnt to ski when I was teeny-tiny), and had 2 days of great skiing. It took a while for me to get back into it after not skiing for the past 3 years, but I soon got the hang of it and I don't think I was tooo bad! I did manage to fall a few times, but that's ok. I would probably have fallen had I been walking, being my clumsy self! There was one particularly spectacular one where I rolled quite far down the mountain, with my skis flying over my head, but it was actually really fun :D Luckily no injuries were caused!

Then in an effort to add some excitement to our weekend, my exchange student's brother decided that it might be the right time to get kicked in the stomach by his horse and rushed to hospital. This caused for a pretty manic weekend, but luckily he is doing much better now :)

This week has been my 1st week at school. It was pretty scary going to school on Monday and I was just a tad nervous, but all went well and I have really enjoyed it. It's been weird getting used to their very different school system, but I think I could get used to it?! We take the train to and from school, and take the tram around town in our 2 hour lunch breaks! The school works more like a university where you only need to go in to school if you have a lesson. So some days this week I've had school from 8-3pm, others from 10-5pm or whatever! Today I had a 4 hour break so we went into town and met up with the family for a delish lunch at a Chinese restaurant! We then went and did a little shopping, before returning to school for one lesson and then heading home. It's been great doing all the subjects that I wouldn't usually do: Art, Art History, Economics, and even German! I have managed to get myself out of German though, seeing as the only thing I can say is 'Ich heisse Emma', which really doesn't get me very far! It was just slightly awkward when the German teacher started talking full-on German to me on the first day and I just sat there staring at her. I think she then realised that I didn't speak any of the language so I just sat there doodling (my fave) for the rest of the lesson, hoping that she wouldn't talk to me (she is the scariest lady I have ever met!). 

I'm also feeling pretty cool in English because they are reading a book on Nelson Mandela (how cool?!), and the teacher is all excited because we have a 'real life South African girl in our class'. So yeah, feeling like a pretty proud South African :)

I've really loved everything so far though, and it has made me realise how I have gotten so used to life in Cape Town! It's been great changing things up a bit and seeing the world from a new point of view :)

Hopefully it won't be too long until I write about the next chapter in my adventure! 


  1. Great to get an update :) thanks. Glad you enjoyed skiing and avoided injury, and happy Matt is on the mend. Keep us posted...only 3 weeks to go xxx

  2. It sounds like you are having an awesome time. School appears to be very different, but what a fabulous experience. Keep the posts coming!!!

  3. I want to go to that school... ;) Sounds amazing and we want photos!
