Friday 29 March 2013

My week in England

Sorry I haven't written in so long! I have just been waaayy too busy.

I have had the most amazing week. I started off in Woodbridge, a small little town in Suffolk, England. It was freezing cold but I somehow managed to survive! I had lots of fun going on long walks in the forest with the cute dog, Ebony, as well as a freezing cold and windy walk in Felixtowe followed by arcade games! And we also managed to sneak in some tobogganing in the meadow, which was pretty exciting but seriously muddy! I enjoyed helping the chef-in-training with making a lasagna, which I have to say turned out to be delicious :)

On monday I went into London on the train with my aunt and cousin. Oh yeah, and the dog (I have named my suitcase the dog because you walk it on a leash - super embarrassing, I know). We managed 2 successful shops at Topshop and Primark in Oxford Street, and then gave in to a yummy lunch at Bella Italia. We then passed the Big Ben and the beautiful Houses of Parliament, before embarking on the coldest walk of my life along the South Bank. Our bodies then needed defrosting in a warm cafe with a big bowl of hot chocolate! But my favourite part of the day had to be my early birthday present of seeing Billy Elliot on the West End. Wow, some talented people out there! Thank you for the great gift :)

The dog then got dragged of to Canterbury, Kent, on yet another long train ride. It was a struggle staying awake and trying not to miss our stop! I then stayed with my cousin for 2 nights. We had a bit of a lazy day on Tuesday, mostly made up of a fantastic Gilmore girls marathon (do yourself a favour and go watch it!). We did however manage to squeeze in a walk around the beautiful village, as well as baking an amazingly delish carrot cake!

So now after my 2nd flight of 4, I am safely in Geneva :) YAY! I was freaking out the whole flight that they were going to interrogate me again at passport control (this time in French), but thankfully no questions were asked and I was waved through. Phew!

Yesterday was yet another lazy day with a One Tree Hill marathon this time (as well as a bar of Lindt chocolate, of course). Today was my first horsey experience. My host family are very into their horses, which I clearly don't have much experience with. We went to Avenches for a big competition, which was great fun but insanely cold and snowy! I'm sure there will be many more horsey experiences to come!

So that's about it for now, I'll try keep you updated on my recent hip-happenings up north!

Thursday 21 March 2013

A very long flight!

Today is my first day in England and, well, it is.....cold! I am so happy to be here, after a very long flight & lots of scary people in uniform. It was just a teensy bit stressful, but overall all ran smoothly. Passport control didn't want to let me into the country, they had to call the manager and have a long discussion! Thank goodness they let me in.
But after a shower, snooze, a walk through the woods and a delish lasagna, I am almost fully recovered! Now sitting by the fire trying to warm myself up. I will try keep you all posted :)